SolidgoldFX- Commodore

The Commodore offers a fresh spin on an old-school heavyweight by mating a specially tuned, low to mid-gain BB style drive circuit with the super sculpting output section of our Imperial MkII. Carefully selected component values and asymmetric clipping offer an organic and natu-ral sounding drive ranging from sweet and mellow to hot and spicy, while the Tone and Con-tour sliders allow you to dial in anything from black panel spank to Vox-ey chime and British growl.
Set the Drive down low for tone sculpting or boost applications or crank it up for some extra sizzle. Use the Tone and Contour sliders to accentuate or scoop your highs, mids or lows and stack it with other fuzzes or drives for extra flavor and variety. You can power it from any standard negative center 9 V DC power supply or up the voltage to 18 V DC for extra headroom. No, we’re not your parents and so we’re not here to tell you what to do, but trust us when we say as this pedal contains so much sonic goodness, maybe you should just leave it always on? Your tone will thank you!
Finally, the Commodore package is complete with dual LED indicators, top jacks, true-bypass switching and of course, our retro sliders with vintage inspired artwork.